Calling All Craftivists

(This blog was inspired by multiple episodes of The Spark File podcast - it’s well worth the listen!)

Since the inauguration of our current President just over 3 years ago (read: 9 lifetimes ago), there have been reports of people feeling the effects of a new phenomenon, which has been labeled as:

“Activism/Social Justice Fatigue or Burnout”

Burnout was originally defined as:

A state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by one’s professional life.”

But Activism Burnout? This phenomenon is not restricted to professional/work environments. Many people feeling this phenomenon are quite young and still very much in school.

Activism Burnout is due to having to constantly fight against the larger state of being of a society, country, legal system, and world in which social injustices and humanitarian crises are running rampant, fed by those who couldn’t care less about other humans or the future.

Oh, plus - ya know - the normal everyday stressors of individual life.

So, what to do?

Image from and used without intention of Copyright infringement

Image from and used without intention of Copyright infringement

What About You?

Since the coining of these labels, some of the more responsible, youth-oriented online news and media outlets - I’m looking at you Vice, Seventeen, and Teen Vogue - have focused time and articles on giving young people ways to cope with these new feelings of Activism Burnout.

Most of these approaches have focused on finding ways to maintain self-care routines throughout your day (something we’ve discussed often on this blog) or in the form of small mental health vacations from work, activism, and social media.

These are excellent tactics that will certainly help out. But like anything, it can then become difficult to jump back into the pit and start swinging again in the same old ways.

What if - in addition to self-care - we were able to find ways to vary our activism and use our creative skills at the same time?

Craftivism to the rescue!

(I did not coin this term, I just love it)

But Michael, what does this silly word hybrid mean?

Craftivism is when you take one problem that you would like to help solve or give aid to, and combine it with one or more of your talents to help out in a fun, creative way.


  • Knitted Knockers - Beautiful, yarn breast implants, made available by volunteer knitters, for those who have had mastectomies (check them out here)

  • Crafted wildlife pouches for injured and displaced animals from Australia wildfires

  • Witty, beautiful, and/or eye-catching posters made for large protests

  • A Broadway benefit concert to raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks (oh hey there, Arts For Autism!)

And there are so so many more ways to help out!

Where do your talents lie?

  • Composing? Write a song to bring awareness to an issue that’s not garnering enough attention.

  • Running? Run in or put together a race to raise money for an important cause.

  • Crunching numbers? Volunteer at a local service organization that’s under-funded to help with administrative or financial work.

  • Baking? Offer to provide a spread of baked goods to enhance an event for a cause you’re passionate about.

The possibilities are endless. And it’s a great way to add some positive, creative variation to how you choose to engage in your activism.

Now, I know some of you are thinking:

But I’m just one person! How can these small efforts make a difference with such large issues?


What About Us?

There’s a simple principle - one that is difficult to constantly put faith in - which we must always bear in mind:

If one thousand people give just 1 hour of their time toward making a better world - and only ever did that once - those people would have collectively spent over 41 days making the world a better place.

That’s only 1,000 people giving 1 hour, and only 1 time.

There are 7.7 billion people on the planet. If every single person gave 1 hour only 1 time, we would collectively have spent almost 11.5 thousand years toward making the world a better place.

The small numbers add up, and quickly.

But also! It’s often more fun to do things with other people anyway!

Feel like crafting for those poor Australian animals? Invite 5 knitting friends over, grab a few bottle of wine, and have a little knitting party, where you get to chat and drink while you help save living creatures!

Is there anything better than fun and human connection that results in something positive for the world?

That’s a real question.


Just a Little Rekindle

None of this is a prescription.

If this doesn’t sound up your alley, then no need to try adding it into your activist routine.

But if it does sound like something that rekindles your fire, I urge you to give it a go. Start with something small, if you prefer. Any little bit helps.

And if you do decide to join the ranks of the Craftivists, please leave a comment and let me know what you’re up to! Or post a picture on Instagram and tag @theglamorouslifeblog - I’d love to celebrate your craftivism with you!!
