With A Little Help From My Friends

With A Little Help From My Friends

I often say that I know some of the best people, and I think that’s true.

Some of the most wonderful, giving, caring, and delightful people I’ve ever met can be found amongst my friends, colleagues, students, peers, and family.

Now, I’m a bit of a go-getter personality who is often most productive alone. (Surprised, anyone?) And I’m sure many of you out there feel similarly, even if just when applied to work.

But this quarantine has shifted that mentality. And not just for me, but across the globe.

I think people are realizing that sure, lots of work can be done remotely, but it’s nothing like being together with other people working toward a common goal. And people are craving that feeling more than ever.

We may not be able to make that happen in person quite yet, but it’s brought people together in some other beautiful ways. And what’s being put out into the world is good.

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In A Far-Away Land...

In A Far-Away Land...

You know how most fairytales begin by specifying that either the events of the story or the Prince/Princess live in a “Faraway Land”?

That’s us. All of us.

We are all the people in extraordinary circumstances living out strange stories in our own personal faraway lands. (Though I’m not sure if that take makes me feel better or worse about it…)

What we have at our disposal however, which the characters of the fairytales sorely lack, is a way to communicate between our faraway lands. A way to peek through small windows into the other peoples’ lives. A way to connect.

Is it as wonderful as being able to ride a steed or step through a portal and be fully immersed in another space?

No, certainly not.

But we do have this technology to give us an advantage. An advantage allowing for new and continued connection, friendship, and creation.

Today, I would like to share some of my quarantine connections, and how they’ve worked (or not worked).

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Take Direct Action, Get More Benefits

Take Direct Action, Get More Benefits

There are two things I’ve been hearing a lot during this quarantine. One is a question and the other is more of an uncertain statement:

I feel lost, unmotivated, unsure what to do.

How can I help the struggling people/organizations that I love not go under?

I must admit - although these are both tinged with the sadness and anxiety of our present moment - I’m heartened by the love and care that has poured out of our communities online. A desire to do something at all is a marker of self-care, and a desire to give is a marker of care for others.

And that is beautiful.

But acknowledging that beauty doesn’t provide an answer to the above queries, both of which are searching for fulfillment.

So, how can we take some direct action - for ourselves and those around us - that will provide fulfillment? And are there other benefits as well?

Here are some thoughts.

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Speed Dating...for Writers?

Speed Dating...for Writers?

Some of you may have seen my post on Instagram or Facebook this past week saying that I attended a Writer-Producer Speed Dating event this past Sunday evening.

(If not, make sure to follow me on FB, and follow me @radimichael and the blog @glamorouslifeblog both on the Instagrams!)

This event was insane. In a good way. But insane.

11 producers, 11 trailing producers, 22 writers, 2 sessions each over 2 hours, plus a reception. And that was just the night itself, which doesn’t include the week of intensive preparation of the pitch and accompanying materials!

And throughout the entire week leading up to it - I was scared out of my mind.

I rarely get myself worked up in anxious anticipation of things, but sometimes I cannot control it, and this was one of those times.

So what the heck was this thing and why was it so daunting?

Excellent questions, dear reader.

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One Revolution

One Revolution

We like to parcel our lives into smaller units. We’ve been doing this for thousands of years, and have increased the amount of various units as time has passed.

But one unit that is consistent throughout most cultures - ancient and modern alike - is the year:

One revolution around the Sun.

Whether or not we were aware of the Earth’s relationship to the Sun at that point, humans have always seemed to be keenly aware of this pattern of light, life, and season. And it has become engrained in us and our cultures in a multitude of ways: Birthdays, Anniversaries, education, celebrations, remembrances, etc.

The year has become the easiest and most visible yard stick that we utilize to measure progress - both our own and that of the world around us. And at this time of year you will hear an increased emphasis on the year as a measuring tool, as well as a strong counter-movement against its importance.

But as we find ourselves back in the same place we were one year ago - not just personally, but as an entire planet - it seems to make sense to look around and evaluate what has changed and, perhaps, what has not.

What is different one revolution later?

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What Have You Been Doing?

What Have You Been Doing?

This is an excellent question, and one I’ve been getting a lot of lately.

And why?

  • Perhaps it’s because I have looked consistently tired over the past several weeks?

  • Perhaps it’s because I’ve not been very social this past month.

  • Or perhaps it’s because the rabid fans of my blog are craving the more in-depth content that I have not had the time to deliver much of this fall! (ehn?)

I’m sure all of these are correct, at least to a degree.

But it’s a good question, nonetheless.

What have I been doing? What’s been keeping me so busy?

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Become A True "Renaissance [Wo]Man"

Become A True "Renaissance [Wo]Man"

As I discussed last week, this past weekend was the first ever TudorCon at which myself and a small cast performed a concert of music from The King’s Legacy as the con’s Saturday night entertainment.

So silly. So fun. And wonderfully affirming!

I met a lovely group of smart, giving, caring individuals who all gathered together to share their love of this time period and its stories. And even more than that, they gathered together to support the research, knowledge, and creations of the speakers and their fellow attendees.

After the concert, a small group of people was standing around speaking with some of the performers, and they were asking where they would be able to see the show next.

Now, as you know dear readers, this depends entirely on when and where there is an interest to produce the show, as well as having the money behind it to make it happen. And this was explained to the group.

But then one of the women said: “You should start a Patreon page! I would definitely give, and I bet many other people would as well!

And what a delightfully canny idea that was!

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It's TudorCon Time!

It's TudorCon Time!

Yes folks, you heard (read?) that right! TudorCon.

The world’s first ever TudorCon, in fact.

And The King’s Legacy has been booked to provide the Saturday night entertainment at the con’s inaugural year with a concert of music from the show!

“So, what is this thing?”

“What are you doing there?”

“And why should I care?”

I love your propensity for questions, dear reader!

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A Good Story Is Everything

Anyone who knows me well knows that - in all honesty - I’m not very good at telling stories.

Now, I’d like to qualify this a little since - yes - I’m aware that I’m making a career as both a writer and a performer, which are both types of professional storytelling. And when I can provide a narrative in such a structured, prepared, and well-crafted way, I feel totally confident delivering an engaging story.

But as for more pedestrian, real-life stories? It’s been a struggle.

It was first pointed out to me about five years ago when someone turned to me and said:

Yeesh. I hope you’re a better writer than storyteller!

Ouch. Harsh, Gretch.

But it was true! I have always loved telling anecdotes from life, particularly the funny or really out-there ones, but I tend to hold my tongue these days because I know that my stories tend not to land.

So I’ve worked on it. I’ve researched (cuz it’s me) how to tell a good oral story and what makes this craft different from a written story, and I think I’ve improved greatly. Huzzah!

But why am I bringing this up now?

Well, if this summer taught me one thing only (and it taught me waaaaay more than that), it’s that people of all walks of life respond to nothing as well as they respond to a good story.

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Hold Your Breath. Make A Wish. Count To Three.

Hold Your Breath. Make A Wish. Count To Three.

You know how you sometimes have this dream - it could be a nighttime thing, or a daydream, or some lofty ethereal goal - but it’s something you just can’t quite imagine. It’s there and you can almost picture it, but only ever just almost.

I’ve had so many of these dreams that I lost count long ago. But I think it’s something that’s just in the DNA of artists and creative types.


Well, beginning sometime around the fall of 2016 I had this dream (the goal kind) of what it would be like, feel like, look like, sound like, etc to see The King’s Legacy - which had finally found the correct structure - come to life in a full production.

It simultaneously felt easily attainable and yet a thousand years off. I truly could almost see it happening. But it wasn’t happening - not yet anyway. So all I could do was just keep imagining and letting various scenarios pass through my head.

But I will tell you that, when it came down to the reality, it was nothing like I had imagined.

It was so much better.

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6 Years Later...

6 Years Later...
  • October 26th, 2012 - I completed the very first outline for the first version of The King’s Legacy.

  • December 6th, 2012 - There existed a first draft of a script, including a large portion of lyrics.

  • March 14th, 2013 - I had a fully realized first draft with all scenes, music, and lyrics completed.

And so it all began.

It’s been a long long road to the first ever full production of The King’s Legacy, and what a strange, magical, frustrating, and fantastical journey it has been. It’s had its peaks and valleys, but it has brought us to where we are now: Less than one day away from the first rehearsal for the premiere production. (!!!)

So how did it all start? Where did the show come from? And how did it get to where it is today?

As per usual, I’m thrilled you asked!

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Summertime, And The Livin' Is Easy...

Summertime, And The Livin' Is Easy...

Well, folks. For me, summer has now officially arrived!


I am now settled into Naples, NY for a three-show contract that will take most of my summer between June 1st-September 1st! (There will also be a little vacation and a week-long teaching contract thrown in the middle there as well!) And it’s all going to be super fun and not crazy or exhausting at all!


Well, not quite. It’s all extremely exciting, but it will be incredibly busy as well!

So let me tell you a little about the exciting parts while I have your attention! :-D

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The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery

The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery

Most people - and writers in particular - are drawn to stories about larger-than-life people, figures, and times. Moments and personalities that disrupted the status quo and changed the course of history. The extraordinary.

These are the stories that live on, passed down through facts and records (contemporary and non), as well as rumor, gossip, and anecdotes that may or may not include a kernel of truth.

The people at the center of these stories are some of the most compelling, and they have attracted the attention of people throughout generations.

And writers love them.

Historians and creative writers alike love to tackle these gigantic stories filled with change and drama, as well as mystery and intrigue, and put their own spins on them. But what they never tell you is just how difficult these people and stories are to write.

I too have fallen victim to this type of alluring narrative and - despite this post’s title - I am not speaking about the great historical mystery of Anastasia as adapted by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty.

I’m talking about one of Western history’s most debated women from one of English history’s most infamous time periods:

Anne Boleyn.

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God I Hope I Get It

God I Hope I Get It

Audition (noun) - A necessary, and often grinding, step to acquiring a theatre performance job, which some actors love, many actors hate, and everyone else is relatively indifferent to

*Warning: This post is geared mainly toward the actor-folk and those interested in the audition process!

Last week I found myself once again in an audition room - this time behind the table, which was a lovely change! Generally speaking, whether or not I am part of the casting team, I’m hearing/viewing auditions on a weird side angle from the piano. So this was a lovely little treat!

Over my years of taking classes and workshops on “THE AUDITION” I have certainly learned many things about the audition process, and particularly about myself as an auditioner. But there is no better way to learn the ins-and-outs, dos-and-don’ts, and [other-cliched-phrases] of auditions than to sit on the other side of the table and observe with non-actor-oriented eyes/ears.

So, here are some of the things I’ve learned about auditioning.

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Don't Bring Around A Cloud...

Don't Bring Around A Cloud...

…to rain on my paraaaaaaaade! (sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

For those of you who read last week’s blog post - welcome to Part 2! For those of you who didn’t, check out the first part of the post here: As We Stumble Along…

Last week’s post focused on the more negative aspects of the risk-taking and the learning processes in this business. The journey is often imperfect and difficult and involves a great deal of trial-and-error, and that’s totally okay. But what I skipped over were all of the positive steps and outcomes that can result from this journey.

Every single success or accomplishment that is presently in my life can be traced back to either a risk I took, or a moment where I enhanced my personal education through non-traditional (aka classroom) means. And I am not unique in this regard.

So, the question becomes - how? Well, there are many routes, but I’ll tell you about some of mine.

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