Must We Put On Pants?

Must We Put On Pants?

Depending on where you are in the country, you may be on Shut-In Day 3 or Day 13. Here in NYC, it’s the latter.

And over the course of these days/weeks, we’ve all been making major shifts in our work lives as we try to figure out keeping ourselves at home while still making an income.

For some people, this shift to at-home and online work has been relatively simple - perhaps their type of work is done mostly online anyway, they’ve worked from home before, or an office just isn’t necessary.

But what about the rest of us?

Artists of all types - and particularly those whose work relies on in-person contact - are now isolated and unable to perform the tasks generally necessary to their craft.

So, how do we move forward with our work?

How do we make any sort of money?

And do we have to put on pants to do it?

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