In Review: "Oklahoma!"

In Review: "Oklahoma!"

The first time I saw Oklahoma! live was at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario, Canada (in 2006?). I remember turning to my parents and saying:

That was fantastic, and they really didn’t stray away from the dark part of the show. I don’t think I ever need to see this show again!

All of this to say that, when the recent St. Ann’s Warehouse production of Oklahoma! first caused a stir at the Warehouse and then again in its move to Circle In The Square, I did not feel the need nor desire to run to see it. I had seen it onstage twice, plus the two filmed versions, and how different could it really be?

So I waited…until last weekend. The second-to-last performance. (How’s that for procrastination?!)

So, was it all that different?

Well, no. But yes? And also really no.

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In Review: "Slave Play"

In Review: "Slave Play"

Fulfilling another of my promises for the second year of The Glamorous Life Blog, we begin my In Review series with Slave Play by Jeremy O. Harris.

[*Quick note about In Review: I’m calling this series “In Review” and not an “actual” review because: I am not a paid theatre critic. I firmly believe that everyone has opinions and a voice and, therefore, has the ability to write a critical analysis if they so choose. However we should distinguish between paid critique and non. “In Review” is merely my take in looking back upon the work I have experienced, which I hope you will find interesting and informative!]

I had put off seeing Slave Play for as long as I could, which was in large part due to the inability of my peers to describe to me anything about the play without “giving it away” and this idea that “it just has to be experienced.”

That sort of vaguery is off-putting to me and, alas, I fell victim to my own stubbornness yet again, putting it off until last weekend. And I really really wish I hadn’t. (Slave Play closes this Sunday 1/19)

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