On Self-Tape Auditions

On Self-Tape Auditions

Dear Actor-Vocalists,

I would like to offer some thoughts, tips, and advice to help make your next theatre self-tape audition/callback a little smoother and effective.

[*Warning - This post is mainly geared toward toward performers and those interested in the online audition process!]

We may be working with this medium for much longer than any of us would like or hope, and I suspect some theaters will see some value in self-tapes even post-quarantine.

As an actor, vocal coach, and accompanist, I know the struggles and worries very well. Being in front of that camera is nothing like being in front of an audience.

And as a Musical Director who recently went through an online audition and callback process, I have some thoughts that - I hope - will alleviate some of your stresses and get you focused on what matters most to those watching the tapes roll!

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